Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Drink Your Milkshake: Fully Enjoy Your Moments

I'm always hesitant to quote anything from the Buddha.  I guess it's kind of like trying to freehand the Mona Lisa, or karaoke a number from The Beatles.  It just doesn't feel right, and comes nowhere near doing them justice.  But....and you knew that was it goes:

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
                                 ~ Buddha

Being able to stay present during your best moments in life, while soaking it in, is the key to staying sane - in my opinion.  The magic of tomorrows success depends on our ability to make the most out of today.  As the saying goes, "one today is worth two tomorrows".

Your moments can change you.  Life today can be totally different than yesterday.  Think of some of the most monumental moments you've experienced in life.  Maybe it was getting married.  Or finding out you're cancer-free.  Do you remember where you were when you got that big break?  Recall that indescribable feeling when you had your first child.

I'm sure you can recite specific details as if it was just yesterday.  Sure, not every moment can be compared to your wedding night, perhaps, but being able to envelope yourself in your own accomplishments, whether they're big or small, is a must.  They're your moments, and enjoying them is a responsibility you must take on in order to carry you through the lows life sometimes throws our way.

How you enjoy them depends on your personality.  Maybe you thank a higher power.  Or maybe you soak in the moment for a while.  Or you're an extrovert that verbally and visibly shows their excitement upon a major accomplishment.  Celebrate that promotion or new account you acquired by cracking open a cold one and hold on to that feeling.  Savor these moments; where you were, who you were with, how you felt, time of day/night, and as many of the details as you can.

There's a reason why we have this uncanny urge to video tape and record every exciting occasion we experience.  Our minds work the same way as any digital recorder.  Use it each day, if only for a minute or two, when something positive happens in your life or workplace.

Here's to having your cake, eating it too, and never forgetting the way it tastes!


  1. Replies
    1. My Turkish is rusty, but I believe that translates into "Something Super"....If that's the case, I'm sending you a "You Rock" in English. Thanks!
